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terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2011

My Confessions

* I confess that I have hid under the covers after watching a horror movie ...

* I confess ..... Non-compliance status NO msn! U.U

* I confess .... When a person is boring, it will be boring because I hang with her a thousand times more than she is with me ....

* I confess that I do not keep buildup ......

* I confess that I have made my phone fall to the ground, mostly to see my father got ran threw something on the floor and I've done
.... = D

* I confess .... I hate it when those pesky children of my cousins ​​or my own cousins ​​arrive at my house and mess up my house. Materials have cimancol ....

* I confess that in my life who are 14 years, I never escultei Pombagira the word ... What is it somebody tell me??

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